You can go to the Cubs meeting once you are eight years old, or over
If you are a Beaver Scouts, you can start the Cub Membership Award about three weeks before you are due to join the Pack as part of your Moving-on Award
As you leave the Beavers, you will get the Moving-On Award. You can wear this on your Cub Scout uniform. You can also transfer these Beaver Scout badges to your new Cub Scout uniform:
- Joining In Badge (highest number)
- Moving-On Award
- Chief Scout’s Bronze Award
- Any Staged Activity Badges that you have (highest number or stage gained).
Once you've been to your first meeting, you'll soon find that you are ready to join the Pack and find out what Cub Scouting is all about. To be invested as a Cub you have to earn the Membership Award, for which you need to know the Cub Scout Promise.
Joining the Cub Pack
Your Investiture is a special day when you make your Cub Promise for the first time, then you become a member of 2nd Wimborne Cubs.
When you are invested as a Cub Scout you will receive the Membership Award, which means that you are part of the worldwide family of Scouts. If you don't already have one, you will also be given a group scarf (sometimes called a ‘necker’) to show that you belong to 2nd Wimborne Scout Group.
Your parents and family usually come to hear you make your promise, at the investiture ceremony.